Urban loft inspiration


So happy I get to finally share some of my favorites of our Urban Loft Inspiration with you! It turned into a girls only event (even our lovely quadruped companion fitted in) and we had such a fabulous day together! When I started shooting film last year I mostly shot it in somewhat ideal conditions: Outdoor, lot's of light etc. When it would get to dark I would switch to digital, as it gave me more security & range. This year I have shot numerous weddings 100% film (and LOVED the results), but that has a lot to do with the mistakes I was able to make at a few learning shoots, one of which you're looking at right now. I am very grateful for situations like this - where there isn't a lot at stake, at least nothing you couldn't repeat. And I have to be most thankful to work with so many fabulous girls, who devoted their time & talent, to help me to learn and grow with them.

Thank you to Viktoria Antal / Lovely Weddings, who is by far the most talented wedding stylist Vienna has ever seen and who designed and styled this beautiful wedding inspiration with a little help of floral wonders by Fiona Seidl / Flowerup. Lisa & Tina of your choice are my latest find. Actually Lisa found me, but I adopted her immediatly - the girls have magic hands when it comes to hair & make-up and they opened up an amazingly lovely styling salon in the 9th district a few weeks ago - visit them if you get a chance, believe me it's like a mini-holiday! Natalia / Milia druckt who is one of Germany's best calligraphers devoted her fountain pen to create this copper themed stationery suite for us. The talented cake designer Andrea Kargl has worked wonders on this copper-themed cake and really managed to get one of my favorite Pablo Neruda quotes up there - it still amazes me! Also check out the lovely jewellery label Fox on the Rox, who made this sweet infinity bracelet. And last but not least Rime Arodaky who sent us a dress for this shoot - I wanted to shoot one for years, I'm just so in love with her version of a rockstar bride. (And the long lace sleeves!)  And a special thank you to my favorite lab Carmencita Film, they really saved me on this one and I am so glad I get to work with this talented bunch in Spain!

I am happy & proud that we made it on the cover of Hochzeitsguides wedding inspiration book 2014 with this shoot - check out the full feature here and some making of shots at the end of this blogpost! Hope you like it!



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